Monday, January 17, 2011
Or until recess
Valentine's Day was a huge day in elementary school filled with sugary treats and the arrival of Valentines in the personalized mailboxes we each made. The boys in class could have cared less and I'm sure if it wasn't for their mothers, no Valentines would have been delivered. The girls, now that was different. Receiving a Valentine in our mailbox from a boy before the designated date signaled to the world undying love and devotion that would surely last until we were old (about 23 was considered old), but in reality, lasted until the next recess. Naturally, this would cause jealously to run rampart, or at least until the next recess when the recipient was dumped and the girls would form an alliance and forever hold a grudge against the perpetrator of such an offense, or at least until the next recess when we were all friends once again, or at least until the next recess when another dastardly deed was committed and the whole cycle began again. Geez, elementary school was truly exhausting.