It's Squigglefly challenge time and this week it is team Chelsea's turn to ask you to use "Pattern Paper-Handmade" in your creation. To assist me, I used "Maisy and Creamy Snuggles" by Diane Carubia of Squigglefly. Obviously, my Creamy loved being outside running and playing. In fact, Creamy had a good time rolling in the mud and that is why he doesn't look so creamy.
Have you ever seen a beautiful sweet cream-colored Golden Retriever after she has wallowed in the mud? No? Well, here is my sweet Rozie after rolling in her beloved mud, she won't go near water except in her kiddie pool but, she loves mud. Unfortunately, it was February about five in the morning and this is what she looked like when she walked in the door. Look at that smile (and the mud in her mouth), she was so proud of herself, I wanted to choke her. I put her in the bathtub and rinsed her off, barely awake myself and before having coffee. When I pulled the plug on the tub, all the mud got stuck in the pipe. Just another day in paradise with Rozie.
Guess you know where my mind was when I colored Maisy and Creamy Snuggles. Check out the rest of Squigglefly's design team to see what is on their mind. Don't forget to use a Squigglefly image and use handmade pattern paper to enter the challenge. If you don't have a Squigglefly image (cannot image) check out the freebies available here.