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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I am woman

I am woman, stand back and hear me roar! As we prepare for the New Year, it is time to look back and reflect on all that we have accomplished and give ourselves a big pat on the back. If you are a family of one, you have laundered 728 socks (not that anyone has that many socks except maybe the NFL, it just how many you have washed). Unfortunately, the washing machine did not return all the socks that were put into it, leaving a sock shortage. If you prepared one meal a day, you have washed 365 plates, and 547.5 pots/pans. Of course, if you are a good domestic goddess like me *choke* you have dusted and vacuumed once a week. Then there are all the trips to the grocery store and countless hours of other chores too numerous to mention. But let's not dwelling on that part of our lives. Instead, congratulate yourself on all the wonderful creations you have made this year, the things you have learned and the new friendships that have been formed, and then stand back, be proud, and let out a ROAR.