the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: Shamus

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Please, allow me to introduce you to Shamus, by Bonibleaux Designs available at Dude Time Doodles, for a limited time, as a freebie for anyone interested in becoming a Guest Designer for the month.

I know what you are thinking, another Irish leprechaun just in time for St. Patrick's Day. If that is what you are thinking, you are wrong. Shamus has all the earmarkings of a leprechaun, the famous fairy from Irish folklore that spends his nights and days at his cobbler's bench making shoes and stashing the coins he has earned in a hidden pot of gold somewhere under the rainbow, which is not to be confused with the song, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". There is a big difference between under and over the rainbow when you are seeking the pot of gold. If by chance, you are confusing Shamus with  Seamus, the Irish name for "James", you are still wrong.  To make it easy for you, I will tell you, Shamus, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, is (little drumroll here) a private detective! Go ahead, look it up, Shamus and I will waiting for you.