If you have ever been owned by a cat and a dog at the same time, you have probably marveled at your good fortune for having such a good kitty-cat and at the same time, wondered how you got such a bad dog. If you thought that, you are one of the millions who have been hoodwinked by a cat. Since the beginning of time, dogs have understood their role in life is to be a friend to man. Cats, on the other hand, know they are far superior to all living creatures and we were put on this good green earth for their pleasure and entertainment.
Today's card is a good example of a cat's state of mind. The cat is bored, hates sharing the spotlight with the dog and devises a plan to get rid of the "thing" that does not use a litter box. Meanwhile, the dog is peacefully sleeping. No one is home to see the dastardly deed, so the cat intentionally knocks over the vase spilling the contents on the new carpet. When the human comes home, the dog, overjoyed, will wags its tail, jump up and down and run in circles even if you've only been gone ten minutes. When the commanding voice yells "who did this?" the dog will wag its tail harder just to please the human and, unwittingly confessed to a crime it did not commit. In the meantime, the cat, with a smirk on its cute little fluffy face, stands up, stretches until its hind-end is in close proximity to the ceiling, gives the "Rockefeller salute" and leaves the room.