Wow, can you believe it's the first day of August and since it is Monday, that means it's time for Just Inklined's Blog Hop. Our host for the hop is the very talented Karen and the theme is CHECK IT OUT, checks as in squares that is. If you have arrived from Jak's blog, you are on the right track. And speaking of tracks, I absolutely could not resist Just Inklined's newly released Gee Up Neddy from the moment I saw him. He made me laugh probably because I am so easily sidetracked from my goal, even when I'm ahead, somehow I never finish.
Maybe if Gee Up Neddy's jockey had whispered in his ear -- roses are red, violets are blue, horses that lose are made into glue -- Gee Up would have waited until he crossed the finish line for a nibble.
Time for you to hop and see what the incredibly talented Toni has created to inspire you. If you get lost, the hop order is listed below but be sure to visit each member of the design team and leave a comment. Two of us will give the image we used to a lucky commenter, so good luck and enjoy!