Welcome to the Blog Tour...
Ok, so I might be a little stalkerish when it comes to Ashley March. I had her on the blog not too long ago and she's back again. For those of you a little tardy for the party: Welcome to Ashley's EPIC Blog Tour. She's so sweet, awesome and fabu. So without further ado, please give another big Texas "HOWDY" to my fellow Texan (she lives in Colorado now):
Meet Ashley:
I was born and raised in East Texas, moved to Colorado after getting married eight years ago, and have been craving snow-free winters ever since. I have a husband who just keeps getting better and better over time and two beautiful daughters. I write contemporary and historical romances, I have two amazing critique partners, an awesome publisher (NAL), an absolutely fantastic agent (Sara Megibow of the Nelson Literary Agency) and, as can be seen above, a slight problem with using too many adjectives.
Life is simply…fantastic.
Find Ashley: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
Q&A with Ashley:
K: Who is Ashley March? Author? Athlete? Mother? Super secret agent? Code breaker?
A: Ah, I see you expect me to give up all my secrets with my first answer. Nice try. ;) Let’s see…Ashley March is a romance author, of course, although I do have ideas for a few books outside of the romance genre. Still, romance will always be my first love. Ashley March is a mother to two young daughters…soon to be 27 months and 10 months. Ashley March is a wannabe marathon runner. As in, I keep planning on running a marathon and never actually get around to, you know, the running part. That’s probably important. But beyond any role I have, I’d like to think that I’m friendly and nice and compassionate. My husband probably uses different descriptors when I’m on deadline. ;) (I have a feeling Ashley March might secretly be an international woman of mystery. Don't burst my bubble if she's really not. I like to think authors lead secret glamorous lives...)
K: Could you give us a little blurb about ROMANCING THE COUNTESS?
A:Yes! And I’ll even give you a blurb with a little personal Ashley March touch, just becauseyou’re special. ;) Woot!
ROMANCING THE COUNTESS is about two people falling in love who were never meant to be together. It’s about an earl and his best friend’s wife coming together after their spouses—who were having an affair—die in a carriage accident. It’s about forgiveness and healing and discovery. It’s about finding happiness and embracing love again, when those two might seem like the hardest things to do. (Which I am totally DYING to read after the teasers on your site months ago.)
For the official blurb, please visit my website.
K: How did you get the idea for this book?
A: It originally came to me when I was working a part-time job and trying to avoid boredom. I thought it would be fun to write a dark comedy where a widow and widower of two cheating spouses would try to show each other up in acting like they really were properly grieving. Thank goodness the idea evolved since then. (I love it!)
K: Did you listen to music as you wrote this book? If so, could you give us a sampling of some songs?
A: You know, I actually tend to stick to the same singers/bands when I’m in the creative mood. I never listen to music as I write—I have to have complete silence—but when I’m thinking about my books and seeking inspiration, I tend to listen to music that’s inclined toward storytelling, such as the music of Sara Bareilles, The Foo Fighters, Taylor Swift, Michael Buble, etc. There are others, but these are my go-to musicians, especially Sara Bareilles. I love her! (Ah, T.Swift. An author after my own heart. And MB. *sigh*)
K: If you could trade places with any of your characters a la Lost in Austen style, who would it be and why?
A: Oh, I haven’t written her yet. ;) So remember this question for a future interview if we get to do another one, and then I can tell you about her. (Will do. Perhaps next book release?)
But so I can answer this question now, I think I would trade places with Charlotte, the Duchess of Rutherford, from my debut titled SEDUCING THE DUCHESS. Her character is very different from my personality, and I’d love a chance to see life from her perspective for a little bit. And also to have Philip. YUM.
K: Can you tell us a bit about your anthology with Tiffany James and Bernadette Marie? How about the one with Jenn LeBlanc and Summer Mahan?
A: SWEET TALK ME is a contemporary anthology I’m writing with Tiffany and Bernadette that should be coming out later this year. The novella for this anthology will be the first contemporary work I’ve ever written, so I’m very excited to see how readers will respond to my contemporary voice. The theme for each of our novellas is that our heroines each work in an occupation related to food—and actually, specifically with desserts, hence the title. My novella in the anthology, titled ‘Forbidden Desserts’, is about a former ballerina turned pastry chef and the engaged owner of the restaurant who doesn’t want to face his attraction to her. (Interesting. Totally love the RTCs for this. I'll have to try out those recipes.)
A DUKE OF MY OWN is a historical anthology I’m writing with Jenn LeBlanc and Summer Mahan that’s supposed to come out early 2012. And that’s all I have for now. More details later! (Can't wait! Perhaps illustrated?)
K: What can we expect next from the fabulous Ashley March?
A: Today (September 6th) I’ve started a fun new reader-interactive experiment where readers get to help me write a novella on my website at www.ashleymarch.com! Over the next 10 weeks, readers will vote on how the chapter for the next week develops, and will get to read the chapter based upon their vote after I write it. At the end of the experiment (which hopefully readers will find as much fun as I believe it will be!), I plan to edit the novella and self-publish it. The idea behind this is a preface to a new project of mine I plan to start in 2012 called Romance with Heart.
(And thank you for the adjective “fabulous” in front of “Ashley March” above. That helps my ego tremendously when my day has mostly consisted of changing diapers. ;) ) (But you ARE fabulous! And a wonder woman taking care of March Toddler and March Baby.)
They say that you can tell a lot about a person with the answers they choose. So right now, we're going to have a little fun with Ashley.
1. Alpha or Beta? Ahh, seriously, I have to choose? *hyperventilates* Okay…alpha! (How about a compromise? An alpha with a beta coating?)
2. Spinster or debutante? Spinster. Although I’d love to write about a cutthroat debutante some day.
3. Wallflower or Belle of the Ball? Wallflower, especially if Lisa Kleypas is writing the story.
4. Virgin Widow or Secret Baby? Virgin widow. Lying about babies is not cool. (Besides, I wouldn’t want to keep the baby a secret. I’d want help!)
5. Men in Trews or Men in Kilts? Ha! I’d skip the trews AND the kilts and go for an Irishman. ;) (How about naked men? lol)
6. Vampires or Werewolves? Vampires. Although more Interview with the Vampire style than Twilight-esque. (yeah, those Twilight-esque vamps creep me out especially that Edward Cullen)
7. Dessert Now or Later? Now! There’s never a good reason to put off Blue Bell ice cream…unless *ahem* you’re part of the Romance Biggest Winner competition and trying to lose weight… (Blue Bell rain check?)
8. Writing or Reading? Eesh. I need both! Nope, sorry, can’t make a choice on this one However, I will say I wish I had more time for reading right now—the only time I get to read is right before I go to bed in the wee hours of the morn (see, I can speak Scottish) and I have to sacrifice some of my sleep to do so. And I love sleep. It’s so rare, and it’s my preciousss.
9. Paperback or E-Book? E-book. *clutches Kindle to chest and pets lovingly* (lol)
10. Plotter or Pantser? I have come to the point in my writing career where I have accepted that I am part of the pantsers club. And I’m proud of it, by Clive!
11. Richard Armitage or Henry Cavill? Have you SEEN North and South? Richard Armitage. Although I would of course choose Clive Owen if he was a third choice. (Oh my Clive! How could I have forgotten? *face palm*)
12. Texas or Colorado? Let’s compromise and go with Georgia—mountains and the beach. (I like it. Or how about California? There's beach, inland, mountain AND desert.)
13. Past, present or future? (sneaky) Um (not able to figure out the trick question; blaming it on the baby and the toddler for sleep deprivation)…the future? When I win the lottery and can afford a maid? Yes, I like that answer.
K: Authors Choice: Ask any question for the readers to answer. (I'm going to give away a copy of your book (e-book or paperback copy-winner's choice)
A: Oh, you are?!? How sweet!
Question for readers, one that is purely self-serving: Do you primarily stick to one romance sub-genre, or are you happy to switch back and forth if you love the author (say, historicals and contemporaries)?
Thank you Ashley for stopping by my blog. Again.
Ok peeps, Ashley has asked a question. Go ahead and leave a comment. OH! And don't forget: Ashley and Shana Galen (LORD AND LADY SPY) will be on Romance Lately tonight so tune in for some fun excerpts and lots of giggles.
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What I'm giving away |
To one (1) lucky winner, I'll be giving away (personally) a copy of Ashley's latest release, ROMANCING THE COUNTESS, with some related swag (unless you choose the e-book option). Just fill out that awesome rafflecopter thingy below. International giveaway. You must answer Ashley's question. If you win (and you live outside the US) and would like an e-book copy of Ashley's book without the swag, please make sure it is available for download in your country. Restrictions apply. Giveaway ends 9/12 or if you want to get technical for the rafflecopter's sake, 9/13 at 12:01AM.