*humming a mash up of 007 and Mission Impossible theme song* We love secret agents. We swear that any character who is secretive and totally broody is a secret agent man. Probably not true but we wish it was. Every book series needs at least one spy if not a whole harem of them.
It's the romanticized danger that surrounds them plus the shoulder holster. Yes, we are huge fans of the shoulder holster. We do prefer that he wears it without a shirt but we've heard that it chaffes and well, we don't need a chaffed Secret Agent Hottieman. There's nothing sexier than a man who take apart a gun and put it back together blind folded. A man in disguise. Role playing anyone?
Here are our picks for this week...

Oh. Lookit! It's Pierce Brosnan, another Mr. 007. If he and Daniel Craig got into a fight, who would win?

Join us tonight on Twitter and look for the #mancandymonday hashtag starting at 8PM Central Time (6,7 & 9 for the rest of us). Bring your favorite spies, grab a drink and settle in for major oglage. Remember, sharing IS caring and we care. Please oh please put a NSFW tag on the ones that feature full frontals or any hint of peen. Apparently there are some participants are may require smelling salts should I encounter one of these.
So, which spies did we miss?