the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: Man Candy Monday

Monday, April 25, 2011

Man Candy Monday

Good morning! Don't forget to join us on Twitter tonight for Man Candy Monday. We start at 8PM CDT (6,7,9 for all those not in that time zone-including me) and go until the last Man Candy has been shared. Get ready to drool over good looking men, find new guys to swoon over and of course, squee over your favorites. Bring pics, videos and what have you. Be sure to use the hashtag #ManCandyMondays.

So in the spirit of MCM, I give you:

Now you may be asking yourself, "Who is this?" Well, he is Nico Evers-Swindell and portrays Prince William in the Lifetime movie William & Kate. (I have not seen it.) I suppose I chose Nico in honor of the upcoming Royal Wedding. I know I should probably put Prince William's picture up there, but I haven't found the Prince good looking since he was 18 years old. (when he still had a head full of hair) And oh, look at Nico's eyes. So very, very blue. 

P.S. He's Australian. Which makes him a bona fide hottie with an accent.

Will you be watching the royal wedding? Have you seen the Lifetime movie?