the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: May Day

Thursday, April 28, 2011

May Day

Sunday, the first day of May, is May Day, the holiday that started back in ancient Babylon during sex and fertility rites. Young chicks would grab a ribbon and danced around a carved representation of a penis. Horrors!! Thank goodness I am part of the "now" generation and we have learned that we do not have to dance to become pregnant, all we need to do is drink the water -- which is why after five children, I switched to beer! Obviously, May Queen Penny from Stamping Dragon Designs is still under the impression dancing around the May Pole is what is necessary.

I used May Queen Penny for my inspiration card for the new challenge at Stamping with the Dragons that starts today. Since it is May and May brings flowers, we are to use flowers. However, I miss read the directions and thought it said "showers" so I took one. But I think May Queen Penny is going to slide under the wire since she is carrying lilies. You have two weeks to join the fun, first place winner receives their choice of four digis from Stamping Dragon Designs and the second place winner will be our Guest Design Team member. Please take the time and visit my fellow team members and see what they have created.