Happy Friday!!! For me, this week has seen quite a bit of pirates. Yes. Those swashbuckling, totally suave yet sexy men wielding pistols, cutlasses, swigging rum and swiving wenches. But the pirates I'm talking about are one woman men and they're dangerously seductive. Also, the sun decided to come out after a jillion days of fog. At least on the coast. My favorite photographer/author is burning up the Time Travel charts on Amazon of which I'm doing a giveaway of her book. I've reached 200+ followers which might be a drop in the bucket in comparison to the established blogs but I'm also doing a giveaway for that too. Holiday books are showing up at my door, my local Michael's craft store has all holiday decorations 50% off and I bought a half naked man yesterday.
Now on to the good stuff. You can play along too, just leave a comment at the end of the post.
Here are this Friday's favorites:
Gossip Girl on Netflix. The first 4 seasons are streaming and I can't get enough. It's deliciously scandalous and I have a girl crush on Leighton Meester aka Blair Waldorf. I'm catching up on all the seasons I missed, as in seasons 2-4. I discovered the books in high school and totally loved them. I really like that the show doesn't fully go plot by plot according to the books, it's quite refreshing.
Shana Galen's THE ROGUE PIRATE'S BRIDE. For those of you who have access to Netgalley, I recommend on requesting this book. It's just gah! I want to tell you but at the same time I don't. At least not yet. The book release February 2012 so I'll be posting a review a month before. Seriously, the cover is gorgeous, the story is just quite... and there's something about a man named Bastien.
Completely gratuitous. You're welcome.
A shirtless Henry Cavill. What? In case you haven't noticed, I've got a thing for Henry Cavill (rhymes with travel). He's dirty, he's hairy and he's buff. Holy Tudors, is he buff and scruffy. Thank you director of Superman. I'm crossing my fingers for a naked Henry a la Tudors season one episode one. That picture is NSFW. Seriously.And mark your calendars for 11.11.11 because that's when Immortals comes out.
eBay. I love this site. It helps fund my romance book addiction and as of right now, I've got an iPad2 fund going. I'm $200 short so all things Twilight that have been sitting in a box in my closet are going up for auction. Yeah, I went through a phase. Judge me all you want but Edward Cullen is going to get me that new iPad2. I've been DYING for one. Or even a tablet of some sort. I just want it so I can finally read Jenn's book in the way that it was meant to be read or viewed or ogled. (Take your pick.)
Warehouse 13. Oh man. Thanks to Aislynn at Stitch, Read and Cook turned me on to this series. The first 2 seasons are streaming. Basically, these 2 ex-Secret Service agents are transfered to the middle of where South Dakota to search out artifacts that make people do crazy things. I spent 2 days watching the series and am anxiously awaiting for the current season to stream.
What about YOU? Any new books this week that you picked up? How about a new TV show like Once Upon A Time? Share in the comments.