Anyway, enough gushing or Laura's head might explode. *kidding*
Here are my Five Friday Faves:
Pocket Books. They've been gracious enough to send me 2 books to review which will be releasing on Tuesday. Freakin' Pocket Books you guys!!! That's really huge for me. You can find my review of A NOVEL SEDUCTION by Gwyn Cready here and I'll be posting a review of A WINTER SCANDAL by Candace Camp as soon as I'm done reading it.
Avon Netgalley Requests. I went on a Netgalley bender requesting everything in sight. Hey! What can I say? There's some awesome releases coming out that I've been dying to get my hands on. I have been auto approved to view/review titles by Avon. Thanks Pam Jaffee! That means I don't have to wait for someone at Avon to approve my request for any of their titles. I can automatically download them. I've been smiling like an idiot since finding out and I had to tell someone.
Holiday scented candles. Yeah. Like Karen Erickson, I'm a candle freak. I just love the smell of them, especially the sugar cookie and spice market ones from Michaels. I'm also a fan of Yankee Candle.

SCANDALOUS DESIRES by Elizabeth Hoyt. ZOMG! This book arrived yesterday afternoon and I've been dying to get my hands on this. Thanks to Grand Central and Brianne B for providing a review copy. One step closer to the reveal of the Ghost of St. Giles. The cover is gorgeous, the step back is steamy and I'm slowly savoring this book. P.S. There's an excerpt at the end for the final book in the series. *dies* I can't bring myself to take a peek. Gah!!!
Sooo...what about YOU? What are you loving this week? New books, movie (speaking of, The Three Musketeers is out today), music (oh dear lord, JBiebs has a holiday song out already), or new product?