the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: December Joyathon at Romancing Rakes

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

December Joyathon at Romancing Rakes

Romancing Rakes
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Romancing Rakes" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Romancing Rakes" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Hello all you wonderful friends and followers. Something exciting is a-brewing here at Romancing Rakes and I am finally ready to share this with y'all. The super awesome Laura Chaplin and fantastic Jamie Lynn have been helping me with this and it's all falling into place now.

I would like to invite you all to participate in the December Joyathon at Romancing Rakes from December 1st through the 24th. 24 of your favorite authors (new to you, debuting next year, old favorites) will share the going-ons of the holidays in their respective homes and families through guest posts and interviews. Each author will also be giving away a copy of their favorite holiday themed book. That's 24 interviews and guest posts, 24 books, 24 chances to win. At the end of the Joyathon, Laura, Jamie and I will be giving away a super secret awesome prize to one lucky winner.

Please feel free to spread the word and share the love by grabbing the Joyathon button and posting it on your blog. Come back on December 1st to enjoy the festivities! Keep up with the author line up here.

***A huge thank you to Ms. Jenn LeBlanc, author of The Rake and the Recluse  and photographer extraordinaire, for providing the awesome graphic of the Joyathon. An even bigger thank you to all of the participating authors for celebrating the festivities on the blog.***