MEET NANCY:With over 50 sales to her credit since her first publication in 1987, Portage, Michigan author Nancy Gideon’s writing career is as versatile as the romance market, itself. Her books encompass genres from historicals and regencies to contemporary suspense and the paranormal. Her works have been published overseas in Romanian, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Danish, German, Icelandic and Chinese, among other languages.
Also listed on the International Movie Database (IMDB), she collaborated on the indie horror films In the Woods and Savage with screenwriting and ADR script credits, and even played the character “Bar Extra.”
A national speaker on writing in general and romance in particular, Gideon is a Western Michigan University honors grad with a major in journalism and minors in history and communications. She’s a member of Novelist, Inc. and the Mid-Michigan, Greater Detroit, PASIC and FF&P chapters of Romance Writers of America®, and is former vice-president, published author co-liaison and award-winning newsletter editor for MMRWA.
While the pace is often hectic, Gideon, a Gemini, enjoys tackling diverse projects. One month it’s researching the gritty existence of 1880’s Texas Rangers only to jump to modern themes of intrigue and possibly a legal thriller or two. Then, it’s back to the shadowy netherworld of shape shifters, vampires and movie serial killers. When not working on her latest plot twist before sunrise or arranging medical depositions, she enjoys indulging in Netflix, hosting her critique group, and feeding a variety of wildlife on her fourth-floor balcony including a yearly family of raccoons. And, of course, reading.
WHERE TO FIND NANCY: Author Site | Facebook | Twitter | Blog
Kati: Who is Nancy Gideon? (author, mother, reader, Netflix junkie...)
Nancy: I’m a Type-A going in every direction at once Gemini, ADD with OCD rising author of 50+ novels from historicals and contemporary suspense to dark paranormals and a new venture into non- fiction writing how-tos, with several horror screenplays thrown into the mix. I’m the mother of two grown sons (one of whom is still clinging to the nest), obnoxiously proud of my first grandson, and enabler of all things feather and fur. I’ve been right-hand woman in a law office full time for the last eleven years and when I’m not setting depositions, sending out subpoenas, and calming the fears of the injured, I’m at my keyboard or tucked up with my cat either feeding that Netflix addiction or getting lost in my Kindle app on my iPad. Lately, I’ve been boldly edging out of my comfort zone to embrace (and surprisingly enjoy!) Social Media with blogging, FB and Tweets (Oh my!) The secret to my non-stop pace? My Keurig coffeemaker.
K: Tell us about your book. [no copy and pasting blurb :)]
N: HUNTER OF SHADOWS is the fifth book in my dark, edgy BY MOONLIGHT shape-shifter series for Pocket Books. It’s set in New Orleans so I’ve added a little lagniappe, a little something extra for the paranormal reader—a dash of suspense, a dab of the underworld criminal element, a liberal dose of spice, blended into the unfolding mythology of a preternatural clan of Shifters living, unseen, within the human world.
Though many of the underlying plots and previous characters are woven through it, HUNTER OF SHADOWS breaks from the first four books, which all featured the same hero and heroine. Although Max and Cee Cee are in this installment, the main focus is on a new couple. Here’s how Publishers Weekly summed it up:
“Gideon introduces complex new characters. Sparks fly immediately. Vivid writing, intriguing plot twists, and a satisfying ending will keep readers coming back to Gideon’s magical NOLA.”
K: Tell us about your hero and heroine.
becomes his greatest obstacle. She’s a cool assassin who can’t resist the intense detective determined to get in her way, any more than she can fight the unknown hand that directs her deadly purpose. Their struggle against that dangerous attraction to one another was so much fun to write. Expect plenty of surprises, edge-of-your-seat action, some heartbreak tempered with humor, and lots of heat.
K: Do you have any writing rituals? (blasting music, eating chocolate, drinking wine...)
K: What can readers expect next from you?
N: SEEKER OF SHADOWS is the next book in the BY MOONLIGHT series. Jacques LaRoche’s story will be on the shelves June 26, 2012. In the meantime, I’ve got a huge backlist of books I’m going to be reintroducing to readers, as well as putting out installments in my “GETTING IT OUT THERE: PR and Social Media for Writers” digital series through Tell-Tale/Wise Words Publishing. Check up on my progress at or And then, of course, there’s Netflix . . .
Thanks Nancy for taking the time out of your day to talk about your latest book!
GENRE: ParanormalWhere to Buy: Amazon | Kindle | B&N/Nook | Book Depository
PUBLISHER: Pocket Star (November 29,2011)
ISBN: 9781439199507
Transferring to the New Orleans Police Department, Detective Silas MacCreedy has a hidden agenda: to secure his clan’s place once again in the Shifter hierarchy.What he didn’t count on was stumbling upon a sexy assassin who could shred his best intentions and lead him into a dangerous dance that threatens to engage his heart.
Monica Fraser knows just how to make a man beg—for his life. But she has no clue how to fight her attraction to the fiercely intense detective who seems determined to get in her way, both professionally and intimately.
When emotional attachments to the past and an unexpected glimpse of a different future have her questioning her deadly purpose, Nica must discover the truth about her secret abilities in order to free herself from the forces that control her. But that freedom comes with a price—trusting those she’s been ordered to eliminate. (source)
Book Extras: Read an Excerpt
OTHER BOOKS IN SERIES (click on covers for excerpts):
So dear reader, have YOU ever been to NOLA? What's sexier than a Shifter cop?
A huge thank you to Nancy for stopping by the blog and Pocket Star for providing the review copy.