THE ROGUE PIRATE'S BRIDE by Shana GalenWhere To Find Shana: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Blogger
FORMAT: eBook via Netgalley
GENRE: Historical
PUBLISHER: Sourcebooks (February 7,2012)
ISBN: 9781402265557
Revenge should be sweet, but it may cost him everything...
The Marquis de Valère escaped certain death in the French Revolution and is now an infamous privateer. Out to avenge the death of his mentor, Bastien discovers himself astonishingly out of his depth when confronted with a beautiful, daring young woman who has landed herself in a mess of trouble...
Forgiveness is unthinkable, but it may be her only hope...
British Admiral's daughter Raeven Russell believes Bastien responsible for her fiancé's death. But then the fiery beauty crosses swords directly with Bastien, and now she's not so sure she really wants him to change his wicked ways...
With her father and a set of ruthless killers hot on their trail, amidst swashbuckling adventure and constant danger, suddenly Bastien and Raeven's steamy entanglement seems to be the only thing they care about. (source)
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Danger, intrigue, betrayal, revenge, swashbuckling action and an unconventional love story between a pirate (okayyy, privateer if you want to get technical) and the daughter of a British admiral set against a Bruckheimer-esque background. You can almost hear faint strains of The Pirates of the Caribbean theme interspersed with the clangs of swordplay as the action and adventure escalates on the high seas. Shana Galen's got this formula down to a science.There's nothing sexier than a man in shiny black boots, tight breeches, an open shirt exposing the hard planes of his chest, wielding a cutlass and grinning sexily as he parries the thrust of your sword, all the while glaring at him with hatred and revenge in your eyes. Oh, yes. That's the way Captain Cutlass meets Raeven Russell, the one woman who Fate has placed in his path to bring him to his knees and then some.
Captain Cutlass has been on the high seas pirating since the tender age of eleven after his family's chateau was burned down during the peasant uprising in France. He thinks his family is dead and the one man who he considered a father figure was killed by another pirate. Bent on revenge, Cutlass is chasing Jourdain all over the map. He won't rest until Jourdain is dead and this might be chaffing his crew a little. Their days of privateering and gaining profit has dwindled since Cutlass's need for revenge.
Raeven Russell's former fiance was killed during a skirmish with Captain Cutlass's crew. She blames him for Timothy's death. With her trusted friend Percy, Tim's best friend, in tow, she goes looking for Cutlass. Finding him in a tavern, she challenges him to a sword fight. I was waiting for her to Princess Bride it: "Hello. My name is Raeven Rusell. You killed my fiance, prepare to die." *giggle* Sadly, it was not meant to be probably due to copyright law and such. Of course, Cutlass has to be gorgeous, darn him! And cue in the crescendo of the fighting music.
Cutlass is surprised to find the "boy" fighting him turns out to be a girl outfitted in curve hugging breeches and breast hiding shirt. He makes her his cabin girl, planning on teaching her a lesson. Well, Raeven, having grown up on a ship and working alongside men, knows a thing or two about picking locks. She gets away and while doing so, notices all the crates with ammunition getting loaded on the ship. Returning to her father, who has a few choice words for her and Percy, she begs him to go after Cutlass. He was selling weapons to the Spanish and French who could be stockpiling for war. Her father brushes it off since it's not part of his orders.
Six months later, Raeven can't forget the kiss she shared with the insufferable Captain Cutlass and the feelings it evokes in her. She sees Cutlass again, only this time, she's wearing a dress. Some of Jourdain's men try to kill him during a celebration held my the pasha. Raeven still wants revenge for Tim's death. The men chase Cutlass and Raeven through the streets in the dead of night. Being the kick ass heroine she is, she saves him.
Under cabin arrest, Raeven--the clever girl that she is, picks the lock and coerces Percy into boarding Cutlass's ship in the dead of night. This time, she will not be able to escape. Cutlass is bent on following Jourdain's ship and doesn't give a hoot if he's charged with kidnapping a British admiral's daughter. Time is precious when hunting the pirate and he has no time or the extra crew to send her back aboard her father's ship.
Sultry kisses and touches are exchanged, the sense of adventure is rampant, the truth of Timothy's death is revealed, and someone aboard the ship has betrayed them all. Now, Raeven and Bastien (The Dread Pirate Cutlass) must figure out not only their feelings for each other but who the traitor is that could get them all killed.
FAVORITE QUOTE: "He'd decided that if his cabin girl regained that blade, he was going to have to seriously consider marrying her." (***quote subject to change in finished copy***)
OVERALL: A stunning, swashbuckling conclusion to the Sons of the Revolution series chock full of witty repartee between the main characters, smoldering attraction, Kindle gripping action (both on the high seas and in the berth *bow chicka wow wow*) and 'whoa! I did not see that coming' moments on the high seas. Shana Galen has once again made me lose an afternoon (in a totally awesome way) with a heart racing, adrenaline pumping, laughter inducing, 'did I just moan out loud?, super sexy read. Hello theme to Pirates of the Caribbean, you and I are forever friends. Out of all the Harcourt men, Bastien's my most favoritest (yes, it's not a word but, for the sake of this review, it is now). Danger! Betrayal! Intrigue! And hot smexing! In Galen fashion, the reader is thrown into the midst of the action from page one. I look forward to what she has next in store for readers.
***requested off Netgalley***