Congrats to:
Carol L
She's won the super secret giveaway prize (books, swag, goodies) from Jamie, Laura and I!!!!
Winner has been contacted via email. Winner has 72 hours to respond of a new winner will be chosen.
I would like to thank each and everyone of you who participated and truly made this event a joyous and fun celebration of the holiday season. A huge thank you goes out to all the wonderful, fantabulous authors who participated. I enjoyed having you sharing your holiday with us readers. Another huge thank you goes out to my partners in crime. Without you, this even would not have run as smoothly as it did. We must do this again next year. That is, if the readers say we should. :)
Don't fret. We'll be doing a few other events this coming year and have awesome books, swag and goodies to give away. And there's going to be a HUGE thing happening to the blog of which I have been sworn into secrecy until the time is right to reveal it. Jamie will beat me with her riding crop if I reveal it too soon so mum's the word. Until then, be on the lookout for fun guest authors, reviews and giveaways.