Her sister Pippa dress was amazing too, also a McQueen design. I was surprsed to see Pippa is white too.

Then there were the boys looking all hot and sexy in their uniforms! I say good call with the red Will!

Congrats to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! A real life fairy tale romance!
I spent most of the day Saturday reading Never a Gentleman by Eileen Dreyer. Oh man, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it! I'll be writing my review for The Season and I will put it up here as well. Never have I read a book that hit me as hard as Never a Gentleman so stay tuned for my review.
In other news, last night all of our shows got interupted (well not mine but that was because I was watching Camelot) by the President to tell us that finally the bad guy was dead. Thanks to our fabulous military & SEALs, Osama bin Laden is dead. The President gave an amazing speech and I can't be more proud of our military! So I think it is only appropriate that we all go out and read some great romances involving those heroic Navy SEALs.
Don't forget, today is Monday so that means it's Man Candy Monday. On the Man Candy Monday blog tonight, I am guest blogging and have brought some hotties in tuxes because it is Oscar Man Candy! So don't foget to join us on Twitter 9pm EST. Tonight may be Oscar Man Candy but I have a feeling that there might be some hot military men getting some love tonight!
Did you get up early and watch the Royal Wedding? What did you think of her dress and all those crazy hats?