the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: A little bit of this and that

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A little bit of this and that

It's Wednesday, hump day, the middle of the week. I don't know about you but here in Jersey it has been miserable! It's been raining for about 4 days and has just zapped my energy. But you know what the best thing about it... I spent a couple mornings watching North and South with the wonderful and sexy Richard Armitage.

That man can scowl at me all he wants! If you haven't seen I suggest you do. Mr Thornton is totally swoon worthy!

Also, for the past week I've been reading Jenn LeBlanc's The Rake and The Recluse. Yes, I said the past week and no I'm not done yet. Why? Because I keep getting distracted by the fabulous pictures! I would highly recommend this book to all historical romance lovers and don't forget, Romancing Rakes is giving away 2 copies of the E-book and Jenn LeBlanc also threw in some swag! So head over to enter!

Also, there was some big news announced yesterday. I am a HUGE fan of JR Ward's and her Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I've been hooked since Book 1, Dark Lover and cried like a baby in Book 3, Lover Awakened. Now, after 9 books, my man Tohr is next! JR Ward announced Tohr was next at her book signing in April and yesterday she gave us his title: Lover Reborn. I'm not going to give away any spoilers (cause I hate that) but I am SOOO excited and if you're a fan of the series you know what the title means. All I'm saying is that Ward better give Tohr one hell of an HEA! So, I will now be freaking out for the next year waiting for Lover Reborn since it won't be released until late April or early May.

To me, the BDB is my crack and Ward is my dealer! Is there a book that you are just DYING for? I'm also waiting for Lorraine Heath's Waking Up With The Duke which comes out June 28.