Don't forget today, like all Monday's, is Man Candy Monday. Our topic this week is Professor Man Candy. or, how I like to think of it: Hot Guys in Glasses. Example: Matt Bomer

The fabulous Ana Farish will be blogging at the Man Candy Monday blog about those sexy intellecual types. Now, unfortunately, none of my professors at school were anything special but maybe that's a good thing cause I'm sure I wouldn't get any work done if I was staring at them. There is something sexy about a smart man because let's be honest, you can be hot as can be with a 6pack of abs, chiseled cheeks and baby blue eyes but if you can put a sentence together then I'm so not interested. (I'll still look though lol)
Now, I also suggest you head over and visit Kati at Romancing Rakes because she has some super sexy guys in glasses. And she is also pimping a new obessions of ours: DH you may have seen him on the cover of Jenn LeBlanc's The Rake and the Recluse. PS... It's an Illustrated Novel! That means there are pictures inside the book! How awesome is that?!? Oh, and the pictures... HAWT!
You know the drill, come hang with us on Twitter 9PM EST/6PM PST and all those times in between. Feel free to bring pictures of hot guys and share, just don't forget to use the hashtag #ManCandyMonday
Now, I'm going to be a good girl and listen to Professor Cavill.

While I'm gone... Did you have any hot professors in school? Any scandalous stories about you and the TA?