the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: Friday eSteals (6)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday eSteals (6)

Henry Hugh goes EVERYWHERE with me. Yes, I named my Kindle. Anyway, this past week has been filled with HUGE sales on ebooks. Amazon is having their Sunshine Deals where they've got some of your favorite books marked down to $0.99, $1.99 or $2.99. Here's a sampling. Avon also has quite a few books on sale by some of your favorite authors. Here and here. So stock up! Road trips and waiting at the airport can get pretty boring. Read a good book and before you know it, you're at your destination.

How about picking up Julie Anne Long's The Secret to Seduction or the book that started it all, The Perils of Pleasure (Pennyroyal Green series)? Or maybe you're a Cathy Maxwell fan? Check out In the Highlander's Bed or His Christmas Pleasure. Hello Christmas in July June! Perhaps, Georgette Heyer is your cup of tea? Cotillion is a free read and Grand Sophy is only $1.99. Historicals make you hysterical? How about some paranormals? Can't go wrong with hard bodied alpha males. Try Terry Spear's Seduced by the Wolf. Or maybe you get your jollies reading about demons? Demons are a Girl's Best Friend by Linda Wisdom will hit the spot. Since it's summer, there's concerts all the time. Looking for a sexy romp with a rockstar? How about Rock Hard by Olivia Cunning. Maybe you're looking for a rock hard man in uniform? SEALed Forever by Mary Margret Daughtridge will make your panties twist.

I've also got some doozies in the YA genre.

So today, I give you this weeks eSteals: