the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: Man Candy Monday

Monday, June 13, 2011

Man Candy Monday

Here's a little something to make your Monday a better one. Yup! It's another edition of Man Candy Monday.
Join us on Twitter every Monday at 8 CST using the hashtag #mancandymonday. We ogle, share, drool, giggle and swoon over good looking men. Authors find inspiration for their next book, readers can bribe small tidbits about author's next book out of them with just a little  lot of skin. =) So everybody wins!

This week, I give you:

Alex O'Loughlin
He is best known as Steve McGarrett on Hawaii Five-0. But for those who are long time fans, you may remember his as vampire Mick St. John in the short-lived show, Moonlight. Or if you saw the horrible Jennifer Lopez movie The Backup Plan, well, he played the guy. He also played Johnathan Rhys Meyer's brother in August Rush. But you're not even reading this are you? I hear you typing away on your keyboard looking for more pictures. Bah!

So bring your favorite wet man candy pictures. We'll giggle like teenage girls. Help authors find muses for their next book. Introduce each other to new books, movies, tv shows in which said man candy can be found.

So, who's your Monday Man Candy?  Sharing is caring!