That's our girl, Fanny Fart as only our Marlooney can create. Fanny loves to get all dolled up, go to fancy restaurants and hobnob with the rich and famous. Unfortunately, when the rich and famous see Fanny coming, they clear out because of her continuous tooting and she's proud of it!
When I say "our Marlooney" I mean Dude Time Doodles' Marlooney, mother of snarkism, because we are proud to announce that as of today she is a full-fledged artist at Dude Time Doodles. The whole town of Dudeville is so excited and remarkably, the announcement has made national news. In fact, the interviews of resident artist, Lou, Dudeville's Mayor Boni and Marlooney are happening now at Dude Time Doodles. Be sure to check it out and the blogs of my fellow Dudettes!