Okie-dokie artichokey! It's a new month and the ladies at Book Soulmates have posted a new sign up sheet for Random Acts of Kindness.This is a monthly meme/program where people link their wishlists and others fulfill it.
Last month was my first month to participate and I received 3 books from 3 awesome people. See my RAK from May. I can't wait to send/receive books this month! My RAK wishlist link can be found under the Random Acts of Kindness Button on my blog sidebar.
- Sign up each month that you'd like to participate.
- Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button :)
- Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
- If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger for their address.
- At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)
Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!