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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Birthday Bash Giveaway

It's my birthday!!! 

Well, my birthday isn't until the 31st but It's never too early to celebrate. Now, the 31st will be the anniversary of my 21st birthday is next Wednesday... go ahead and do the math. 

I'll be 26 and I'm kind of freaking out about it. When you're growing up all you think about is reaching those major milestones... 16 when I could get my driving permit, 18 when I would be an adult and 21 when I could go out and party. Then last year was my 25th birthday and all my cards wished me a "Happy Quarter Century". Then it hit me... I was in my mid-twenties. 

So, now I'm on my way to thirty. Do you remember when you were younger and thinking 30 was so old? I don't feel old and I certainly don't think 30 is old. So I refuse to change my youthful ways and grow up. 

Anyway, I'm going to tell you a secret... I don't like my birthday. Yes, I like presents but what I hate is people singing Happy Birthday to me. I have learned to deal with it from my family but if we go out to a restaurant I forbid any public singing because I cry. I've been known to run to bathroom and hide under tables when the singing starts. The one time I was trapped and I cried my eyes out. I was 20. 

But the best thing about birthday is the cake and the presents. I would love to send everyone some cake but I don't think it will ship well. So, how about some presents?

I like presents, and not only do I like receiving presents but I like giving presents. So for my birthday I'm giving away three of my favorite romance novels to three luck people. 

Historical: The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley
Contemporary: Good Girl's Don't by Victoria Dahl
Paranormal: Dark Lover by JR Ward

To enter to win one of the books just fill out the form and tell me which book you would want as a present. 

Good Luck! The giveaway is open until Aug. 31st at midnight. All I ask is that along with filling out the form you make sure you follow For The Love of Romance, because let's not forget I'm having a follower giveaway. 

So, do you hate your birthday? Do you run screaming from the room like me when someone starts singing? Did you have a mid-twenty's crisis like did?