Tell Me You Want Me by Amelia James
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 261KB
Publisher: Amelia James (March 15, 2011)
"I can give you exactly what you're asking for, Janie, and I can give it to you all night long."
Their first kiss is impulsive, fun, a little wicked--everything Jane Elliot isn't looking for in a man--but desperately needs. Their second kiss is slow, deliberate, an instant connection--everything Austin Sinclair never had with a woman--and doesn't want.
Jane isn't the easy conquest Austin's used to. She's a stubborn-as-hell bookworm who's more interested in studying than dating. She needs a little--no--a lot of fun in her life, and Austin's just the guy who can give it to her. Too bad she thinks love should easy. Too bad Austin knows it isn't.
Everybody told her to stay away from the heartbreaker, but Jane knows there's more to Austin than full-body contact kisses and bad boy charm. All he ever promised her was a good time and wow, does he ever deliver....
Buy It Here: Kindle | Nook | Smashwords
Where To Find Amelia: Author Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
Extras: Read 1st 4 Chapters | Excerpt-There Is No Future | Quickie Excerpt | Excerpt-Sex Lessons
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I really liked it. |
Amelia James has quite a way with words. She brings the reader into a world of jocks, college, bookworms and panty dropping worthy sex. I enjoyed this book since it was a step off the beaten path aka this book is set in college, not the grown up adult world. Perhaps there are books out there that are set in college but this is the first book I've read like that. I really liked seeing Jane go from this unsure book worm bent on following her mother's rules to a young woman who knows what she wants and grabs on for the ride. As for Austin, he's the kind of bad boy, BMC type that would be great in a movie. He's confident and cocky and makes me want to take him down a notch or twelve. Daddy and mommy dearest issues aside, Jane finds herself with the most wanted guy on campus. Yay Jane! Get it girl!
5 Things I Liked About This Book:
- The Setting. It's set in college which is refreshing. Usually, the characters have grown up, graduated college, living their lives as responsible adults and have families or children.
- Austin Sinclair. I'm a sucker for bad boys and well, Austin is one. He's got major daddy issues which is understandable since his father cheated on his mother repeatedly, only to have his mother take him back time and time again. He uses that as an excuse and a shield to distance himself from ever creating relationship with any woman. At least, until Jane comes along.
- Jane Elliot. Oh Plain Jane who isn't as plain as she thought she was. She's smart, witty, a great cook, studious, athletic and has doubts--quite a bit. Her father was a free spirit and let Jane experience things and make mistakes. Her mother is uptight and pushes her to concentrate on her studies.
- Jack Wheeler. Austin's bff. I think he may have stolen the show. He's not as big of a player as Austin and he's nice to Jane. He actually like Jane for Austin. There's something about this guy that I can't wait to read about.
- Papa Sinclair. Whoa! This guy is definitely an Asshole of the First Order. He's a womanizer (hmm... I think this is where Austin gets that), a liar, a promise breaker and has got quite the stick up his ass. He thinks Jane isn't good enough for Austin. Can this man be redeemed??
Overall: Ms. James definitely has a way with words. This story is funny, sexy, steamy and downright blush inducing. A warning to those reading it in public, stick an ice pack in your shirt or pick up a cool drink. If you're at the beach, put that e-reader down and go for a nice cold dip. It is such a refreshing thing to read about people still in college than totally all grown up. It's the age old tale of the good girl who tames the bad boy but in a fun, panty dropping kind of way. Ms. James, I look forward to what you have next in store for your readers.
***borrowed on Kindle from the fabu Jamie Lynn***