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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lawrence Lawnmower

Poor, sad Lawrence Lawnmower from Bonibleaux Designs, his wife has locked the doors and windows and won't allow him back into their air-conditioned home until their lawn has been perfectly manicured because her mother is coming for an extended visit. Mother Nature is not cooperating since she has the heat index set at 110 degrees. While Lawrence dreams of his hammock and a cold beer, his darling wife is sitting in the coolness of their well-chilled home feasting on bonbons while adding items to her honey-do list.

Lawrence Lawnmower is one of the eight new images being released today at Dude Time Doodles. As usual, the crafty Dudettes have formed a loop for you to hop around and see all of Bonibleaux Designs' newest images. If you reach here from Linda's blog, your next bounce will be to visit Ginny. If you just started, keep hopping, you will see them all. Don't forget that one of us is this month's mystery hostess so be sure to leave a comment on all the Dudettes' blogs for a chance to win one of the new images. Other important information you should know before you go. Dude Time Doodles First Annual Scavenger Crawl is still taking place. Don't miss out on a chance to win a $20 gift certificate from Dude Time Doodles. Lastly, Halloween images currently in the store go on sale for 50% off starting September 1st!