the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: Man Candy Monday: Musician Edition

Monday, August 22, 2011

Man Candy Monday: Musician Edition

Are you ready to rock out tonight? Join us for the Musician edition of Man Candy Monday. Bring pictures, stories, snark, a bib (to catch the droolage), put on a panty liner (self explanatory) and get ready to ogle hot man candy provided by fellow Man Candy Monday babes. We'll be on Twitter at 8pm CST (6,7,9 for the rest of us) sharing our finds. Use the hashtag #mancandymonday so that everyone else can see what or more like who, you've got. Hope these pictures make your Monday a little better. Remember, viewing at work may get you in trouble. We, the Man Candy Monday babes will not be held responsible. View at your own risk. And remember, if you're going to share a full frontal or nekkid backside, please give a warning. Many of us have been known the spew, dribble or choke on what we're drinking, or fall out of our chairs.

Without further ado, I give you:

Photo by Michael A. Downs
Ok. So Jed might not be a musician but he's got a guitar in hand and he's almost nekkid. Does that count? For those of you who have been living under a rock and don't know who Jed is: he's this guy, this guy, this guy and this guy.
Oh Josh Groban. Confession: I like to blast 'Alla Luce del Sole' when I'm doing crunches. It's so soothing and I just let my mind drift away. I don't feel the burn of the crunches until the morning after. Thanks Josh! This picture is for Lauren Plude, Forever Editorial Assistant, who is responsible for this post on the official Man Candy Monday blog.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays the guitar and sings in 'August Rush'. Does that count? He's more of an actor and all around hot mess but he's just so pretty in 'The Tudors'. Don't judge me.
Another actor. Another guy from 'August Rush'. Alex O'Loughlin does play guitar and he's just so pretty. Isn't he? Okay. He's the last actor. I'll find some real musicians now.
Blakeeee!!! 'Honeybee' played 5 times an hour is starting to get a bit annoying but he's still gorgeous. Have you seen his eyes? That there is romance hero material. I believe it goes along the lines of "piercing blue eyes". The first song I ever heard from Blake was 'Austin' (cause it's my hometown and all) and it's about a girl who leaves a guy cause she's all sorts of confused. She calls him and all she gets is an answering machine. Then in the end, he calls her and she's like--you're not talking to an answering machine, I was dumb for not realizing we were meant to be. It still gets me every time I listen to it.
Adam Levine. Frontman of Maroon 5. He's a musician AND he's fully nekkid (er, I'm going to assume). That is all.

So I will leave you with that. Don't forget to join us on Twitter tonight at 8pm EST. Bring your pictures of hot, lickable, drool worthy musicians. After 10 minutes it becomes a free-for-all. Which musician are you lusting after these days? Remember, Sharing is Caring.