Send A Smile 4 Kids is a charitable blog created for the purpose of collecting donated handmade cards to be distributed to children while they are inpatient at Children’s Hospitals. Currently we are donating them to the Children’s Hospitals in Neenah and Milwaukee, WI. On any given day, there are 50-60 children inpatient in these hospitals so we would love to receive as many cards as you can send to cheer them and their families. The kids may also use your cards as Thank You Notes to the nurses and doctors and others. Any kid's cards are welcome including: birthday, holidays (not religious specific please) and happy anyday cards.
There will be 2 prizes. The first one will be for a holiday theme other than birthday. And in honor of our chief, Janette's birthday, the second prize will be for a birthday card. Each winner will receive 4 images of their choice.
Please follow the guidelines from Send a Smile for Kids when making a card ........