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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Corsets, Kisses and Kleypas Blog Hop

The lovely ladies over at Under the Covers Book Blog and Lisa's Divas have teamed up to host the Corset, Kisses & Kleypas Blog Hop. There are 21 blogs participating so get to hopping and reveling in all things Kleypas. Each blog has their own giveaway. Over here we're sharing our Kleypas experience and giving away 2 Kleypas books. Yay!

I have Lisa Kleypas to thank for getting me into historical romance and reading in general. If you were to go back in time five years you would not catch me reading a book. I used to HATE reading. The thought of reading made my shutter. Going to bookstore? Boring. It wasn’t until I graduated college that I finally picked up a book. Ok, so I read… well I tried but nothing could keep my attention. Then enter Ms. Kleypas.

For graduation my parents bought me a ticket back to England to visit some friends. Now I had grand plans of relaxing in a beer garden and reading a book. I had planned to go to a bookstore when my Nanny told me to look through a box of her books. Looking through nothing caught my eye until a beautiful pink and purple cover. Scandal in Spring came to England with me for one reasons: It was set in England.

I can’t remember what made me choose this book but I am so happy I did. I can still remember the moment I was hooked. I was sprawled out in English garden with the sun shining and I ran to my friend to make her read the scene where Daisy locks the door, puts the key down her corset so if Matthew wants to leave he has to get it. *sigh*

Now all you Kleypas fans know that Scandal is the fourth in the Wallflower series so as soon as I got back home I went to the store and bought the first three. That was just the start of my obsession. I had finally found my reading niche.

So I would to thank Lisa Kleypas for introducing me to the wonderful world of historical romance and reading.

You may want to sit down for this one. I'm a Kleypas virgin. Yup, I've only read one book by Lisa Kleypas that Jamie sent to me last summer and I fell in love. Then Came You broke the literary Kleypas cherry but I still have yet to read any other ones. 

Jamie has been kind enough to send me another book, Dreaming of You and I hope to tackle it soon. I guess the talked about Derek Craven finally gets his own story after book hopping. So I'll be putting the rest of Ms. Kleypas' book on the list. Both historical and contemporary. 

Lisa's Books:

So here's how it goes: Jamie and I are giving away two(2) books to two(2) lucky readers. It'll be a surprise as to which book you get. One(1) person will get a historical and the other will get a contemporary. Yay! International giveaway

And now the rules:
  • Leave a comment answering our question: Are you a fan of Lisa Kleypas like Jamie or a Lisa Kleypas virgin like Kati?
  • Fill out the rafflecopter form with the name you commented under as well as your email address. Do not leave your email address in the comments.
  • All other entries are optional.
Thanks to the ladies at UTC and Lisa's Divas for hosting this blog hop.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And now, hop along...