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Friday, February 3, 2012

eARC Review: How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back by Sophie Barnes

GENRE: Historical
LENGTH: 368 pages
PUBLISHER: Avon Impulse (January 31, 2012)

Emily Rutherford is having a very bad day. Of course, having the man you’ve loved forever, announce his engagement to your (now very former) best friend will do that.

Emily is sure nothing good could possibly come out of this horrid situation. But she lets her sisters and Adrian’s cousin, Francis Riley, the delectable but brooding Earl of Dunhurst, convince her a season in London will be just the thing.

Now Emily has a choice: sulk in a corner while her sisters enjoy the glitter of the ton. Or become the belle of the ball, dazzling everyone on an earl’s arm. But as Francis helps Emily get back on her feet, she quickly realizes that a childhood crush is nothing compared to the power of true love.
Where To Find Sophie: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook
Where To Buy: Amazon(pb) | Kindle | B&N(pb) | Nook
Book Extras: Read the First Chapter
I loved it.
REVIEW & Book Trailer:

Welcome to the London ton where anything and everything is game and ready to be spread as gossip through ballrooms, drawing rooms, house parties, behind fans and over the breakfast table.

Spotted: One, Miss Emily Rutherford is having the most terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Turns out Lord Adrian Fairchild's promise of marrying her when they were younger were just thrown out there due to their comfortable camaraderie as children. And it goes something like this: E thought she had an unspoken (okay, so it was spoken. once) understanding that A would finally ask her to marry him. Everyone kept hinting at it. Why wouldn't they? They've know each other forever so it would only be a natural course their relationship would take. Well, turns out A has fallen in love with a certain Lady Kate whom he renewed his acquaintance with in London. Poor E is heartbroken. So what's a girl to do? Go to London and stay with A's cousin, Lord Francis Riley. That one's a bit of a broody sourpuss. Watch out ladies!

Goodbye Hardington, Hellooo London: Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get over a broken heart. What better way than to jump at the chance than saying yes to staying with a certain F? Yes, the sisters Rutherford shall be staying right down the street from a dashing lord. With a chaperone of course. Turns out E isn't immune to F's charms. She may have disliked him when they were children due to his pulling away to deal with something a child shouldn't have to endure. That's right London ton. Get your bets in as to whether E and F will end up walking down the aisle very soon.

Spotted: A certain A is in town to make a big engagement announcement. E is looking a bit shocked. Why would he follow her? She did after all leave Hardington to get away from him. But a certain F is there to distract her. A source tells this girl that F has major feelings for a certain not so heartbroken Miss. It has been brought to my attention that E and F have been spending quite a bit of time. Alone. That spells trouble with a capital M (marriage).

Complication: Turns out F has gone home to Dunhurst to take care of a situation involving a lady. Uh oh. A little blackmail can go a long way. Watch out E! You might have to help your man get out of this one.

So the real question is: Will E finally get her happily ever after with a certain F and forget about A when F confesses his love for her or will a certain rumor about someone having a mistress send her into a tizzy?

Until next time... XOXO,
Romance Girl :)

And then of course there was her opinion to consider. Would she ever care to entertain the though of kissing him, let alone marrying him? He was willing to bet his life that she wasn't. Not yet anyway. Therefore, he had made up his mind. He had devised a carefully thought-out plan, its sole purpose being to eventually ensure Emily's hand in marriage. And he would do it the old fashioned way--through trickery.
OVERALL: It's a laugh out loud story with a butterfly emerging out of her cocoon heroine and a scowling hero with a secret. Throw in a clueless ex-bff potential suitor and you've got a wonderful debut. There were times that I wanted to smack Emily upside the head, shake her and scream "Get over Adrian! Lookit this tall, dark and brooding sexy man who's got it bad for you. Like I'd-write-a-cheesy-pop-ballad-for-you bad." I like that Emily finally realized what was in front of her, even if it took a broken heart to shake her up a bit. Francis's secret threw me for a bit of a loop but with the help of Emily it got tied up and shipped to Newgate in a nice little bow. :) 

***review copy provided by Goddess Fish Promotions***