the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: Jamie + Kati Review: RETRIBUTION: The Rake and the Recluse Part 6 by Jenn LeBlanc

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jamie + Kati Review: RETRIBUTION: The Rake and the Recluse Part 6 by Jenn LeBlanc

RETRIBUTION: The Rake and the Recluse Part 6 by Jenn LeBlanc
GENRE: Historical
LENGTH: 38,000 words
PUBLISHER: Jenn LeBlanc (February 28,2012)

A woman out of time.
A man stifled by propriety.
A nemesis determined to take her away.
A brother to the rescue.

How will a powerful Duke deal with a woman who doesn't know her place? How will a woman used to the 21st century survive in time where she is considered property?

THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE Part Six. Perry must find the woman who has managed to capture his heart, then he must find a way to keep her. Someone else is on the hunt, someone from her past who doesn’t appreciate that she still lives and breaths.

Francine Larrabee woke up on the wrong side of the century. She was fairly certain she went to sleep in her own comfy bed, but she doesn’t quite seem to be there now. Only adding to her problems is that she has no voice, is constantly being glowered at by a large, stunning man who is obsessed with propriety, and she is apparently betrothed to another horrid little man, determined to ruin her, and any other girls that get in his way.
How does she find herself in the past, when she couldn’t even find herself in her present? How does a self sufficient businesswoman survive in a time when women were still considered property for the whole of their lives and what is she going to do with this man who draws her to him so fiercely.
Find Jenn: Twitter | Facebook | Author Site | Blog | Tumblr (NSFW)
Where To Buy: Amazon | B&N | All Romance
Go and Buy it NOW!
Other Books In Series:

***the full serial is now available or you can buy each part individually for the gorgeous covers***


Kati: So it has finally come to an end and I don’t even know where to begin to share my feelings about this last installment. All I can say is it’s sexy, heartbreaking, gasp worthy, helloooo boy cousins (You swear that he’s a secret agent man, and after looking at it five ways to Sunday, I think he is too. That glint in the eye when he’s checking out the walking stick with the super secret knife compartment...) and it’s come full circle. WOW! Can our review be super short? It’s like I don’t want to give anything away. I want people to read this last part. And yes, there is The Famed Piano Scene. Hepplewhatsit gets what he deserves and more; quite a poetic justice. I had so many favorite quotes, I pretty much highlighted the whole thing. Haha.

Again with The Sexy
Jamie: This is what we have been waiting for. But its also sad because we’ve come to love Gideon and Perry and their story which is now over. But let’s talk about Perry and his instrument. Our lusty rake is very adept at using his skills in places one wouldn’t think. A train... a piano... on horseback. There is a lot to talk about but then we would give it all away and there is no fun in that.

Kati: So I suppose we could talk about the illustrations. Um, gah! Those were pretty sexy.

Jamie: Pretty sexy? There was drool on my keyboard. And I was having some hot flashes and getting all flustered.

the Brothers Trumbull
Kati:: So true. The first sexy illustration I got to I squeaked and got a look of disapproval. Oopsie! Got any favorite quotes? I might just have to post a picture of my highlights. That’s how ridiculously highlighter happy I got. I’d give this last part a 6 of 5 hearts if we could but since our rating is only 5 of 5, we’ll give it that. Which makes the full serial (since we review each and every one) 30 of 30 hearts. Eesh!

Jamie: Now, not to get ahead of ourselves there are two very good looking and eligible bachelors still unattached. Calder and (my new crush) Warrick. I sure hope we get some more of them. Do you hear that Ms. LeBlanc?

Kati:I second that!

"You've changed me just as much as you say I've changed you. I was lost, and you found me. I ran from my brother's house, yet now I understand that all the reasons I left were wrong. I understand how he felt, I understand why he could do the things he did."
He stood, his voice rising with each word. " I relinquish my station. I'll disappear, with you, because I now understand. I understand how he could shun convention and propriety and nearly give up everything he is--no--everything he was meant to be. For her, Lilly, all for her."
"It wasn't your fault. I should never have set you on my instrument," he said with a sly grin.
She wiggled her hips. "Your instrument seems to have survived." She leaned over his chest on her crossed hands.
He pressed into her. "I leave you with no doubt as to the condition of said instrument."
OVERALL: Jenn LeBlanc has given us love, laughter, naughtiness and sexiness along with gorgeous jaw dropping, eye popping, gasp worthy illustrations that sent our pulses pounding and our hearts racing. She kept us glued to our inboxes hoping and praying that we'd find the next installment waiting to be read and ogled. She's shared memorable characters as well as quotable quotes which we sometimes just let slip in our everyday lives. The journey comes to a close with the final installment of the remastered, revamped The Rake and the Recluse. Part Six was everything we wanted it to be and more. Miz LeBlanc, Perry was worth waiting for. But now, we want Calder and Warrick. Stat!

***All images are copyright of Jenn LeBlanc. Images may not be downloaded, distributed for monetary gain, used for illegal purposes or in any way that infringes on copyright laws. If you would like to use any of these images please contact Jenn.***

***review copy provided by author***