the hostgator coupon tumbas lek: eARC Review: Scrumptious by Amanda Usen

Monday, February 6, 2012

eARC Review: Scrumptious by Amanda Usen

Scrumptious by Amanda Usen
FORMAT: ARC from Netgalley
GENRE: Contemporary
LENGTH: 320 pages
PUBLISHER: Sourcebook Casablanca (January 1, 2012)


Joe Rafferty is just as mouthwatering as the food he cooks. But if he thinks he's going to waltz in and take over her kitchen, he's denser than a thick slice of chocolate ripple cheesecake. Marly has invested too much of her life in Chameleon to hand off the restaurant to someone else—especially a cocky-as-all-get-out superstar chef. But there's no denying the man knows how to light her fire. Question is: Can she have the sizzle without feeling the burn?
Where To Find Amanda Usen: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook
Where To Buy: Amazon(pb) | Kindle | B&N(pb) | Nook | Book Depository
I loved it

Joe Rafferty new mantra is “No more sluts.” His mom’s dying wish was that he settles down and finds love. On his way across the country to a new job in California he meets Marlene Bennet. Marly is the female version of Joe. She’s shies away from any kind of commitment but isn’t opposed to finding a hot man to warm her bed if she wants. And with Joe coming through town he’s just her man. That is until all everything goes to hell and Joe finds himself staying for longer then he anticipated and Marly finds herself frustrated in more ways then one.

“She failed to seduce the man who slept with everyone. And she quoted Top Gun in the attempt. She wasn’t sure which was worse.”
I found myself laughing out loud at Marly. She is who she is and doesn’t apologize for it. She also quotes Top Gun and you can’t help but love her. Plus she is loyal and protective of her friends. When Joe shows up to help she pushes his buttons to show him who’s in charge. But Joe pushes her right back.

Watching these two try and find themselves while learning to love was almost painful… in a good way. They both had horrible examples of love growing up and watching them fight what was happening just broke my heart. Of course, they are also trying to find the person who is sabotaging the restaurant and ends in a ridiculous high stakes poker game. Seriously, the last couple of chapters are just ridiculous.

Favorite Quote:
“Man’s best friend is dog, but woman’s best friend is vibrator. You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t ask you to stay.” Joe moved toward her. He took the vibrator out of her hand and sent it sailing into the bedroom where it landed on the bed with a solid thump. She was mesmerized by the heat in his eyes.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Joe said.
Ok... I have another favorite quote because I can't pass up a Top Gun reference.
He looked disappointed. “Does that mean you won’t be quoting any more Top Gun for me?”

“I’ll peel the potatoes if you promise not to mention that again.”

He shook his head. “No way. I have some particular favorites from that movie. In fact, if we don’t get a move on, we won’t be ready for dinner. You could say, ‘We have a need, a need for—’”

“Stop it!” She laughed in spite of herself. He was an arrogant prick, but at least he had a sense of humor.
I’m going to let you in on a secret: I love debut novels. What I love even better is a great debut novel. Scrumptious was a fun read and I read it one day. There aren’t many books that will do that to me but I was so caught up in the fun of the story that I didn’t want to put it down. Plus, they quote Top Gun. Is this the next great American novel? No, but if you are looking for something fun to read with Sexy Times that will curl your toes then this is it.

Also, I would have a snack handy. All the talk of food sure gets a girl hungry.

**Review copy from Netgalley**