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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Church

This serene image, Christmas Church, is from Digi Doodle Shop. I used it for their new challenge that starts today, Nature. Who isn't enchanted by a beautiful winter scene?

Snow to many of us is not the kind of nature we are fond of, except maybe in pictures, or in childhood memories of riding to grandma's house in an open sleigh (did anyone ever do that). Nevertheless, it's still that time of year when frozen water vapors form ice crystals, falls to the ground and wreak havoc, especially for those caught without the essentials, bread, milk and toilet paper!  Well, that's what the weatherman tells us we need!

Please stop by the blogs of my Digi Doodle Shop' teammates and see their wonderful creations. And for sure, you need to stop by the Digi Doodle Shop since everything is 25% off during the month of December. Go ahead, treat yourself and then play along in our challenge and you may be the winner of a $10.00 gift certificate to Digi Doodle Shop