I requested Lecia Cornwall's The Price of Temptation off Netgalley since it sounded like a fantastic read and boy howdy! it sure as heck was. I jumped at the chance to host this wonderful author on the blog today and she's sharing a little bit about her novella, All the Pleasures of the Season in which her heroine makes the biggest mistake of her life. And to top it off, it's Christmas. No one wants to spend Christmas worrying about if they've chosen the right person to spend forever with when there's celebrations all around. Let's give Lecia a warm welcome:
Meet Lecia:
I was born in the wrong century.Don't get me wrong, I'm devoted to the conveniences of this world, especially modern plumbing and good chocolate, but I long for the elegance, grace and adventures of the past.
I've always wanted to be a writer, and a historical writer at that. In fourth grade, I wrote a story about a Welsh mining pony that takes revenge for the horrible conditions in the pits. In sixth grade, my mother got a letter from the teacher after I wrote a story about a grandmotherly shop owner in occupied Europe who lured enemy soldiers into her shop and made sausages out of them. I was probably the only kid in my class who fell in love with the Masterpiece Theatre series The Six Wives of Henry VIII.
As an adult, I became a direct marketing copywriter. When my children were born, I stayed home with them (the best decision I ever made), worked as a freelance writer, and dreamed of writing fiction.
My big chance came when we moved from Ottawa to Calgary, Alberta. Unemployed, I decided to start downloading the daydreams whirling around in my head. After six years of learning and honing my craft, submitting to dozens of contests and editors and agents, I found a wonderful agent (Kevan Lyon) and sold my first book. I discovered the harder you work, the quicker luck comes calling.
When I'm not writing with a cat by my side, I'm volunteering at my daughter's high school, or corresponding with my son at university. In the afternoon, I can usually be found walking my dog and pondering my latest plot by the beautiful Bow River.
I was born in Toronto, raised my family in Ottawa, and now live in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies with four cats, two teenagers, a crazy chocolate lab and one very patient husband.

Kati: Who is Lecia Cornwall?
Lecia: I’m the mother of two wonderful kids, a son 20 in university, and a daughter 17 in high school. I have four cats, and one chocolate lab. Given the season, I’m tempted to add a partridge in a pear tree, but while we have woodpeckers, blue jays, magpies, and finches on the feeder in our pear tree, alas, we have no partridges. When I’m not writing, I volunteer at my daughter’s high school with the band department. Oh, yes, and I’m married to a man who is eternally patient with all the mayhem listed above. We live in Calgary, Canada, in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies.
K: Tell us about your novella
click for an excerpt |
Gilbert doesn’t dare to propose. Second sons of minor barons do not woo the granddaughters of dukes. Her grandfather would refuse his suit outright, and his own father would be horrified by his audacity. When Miranda announces her betrothal to the handsome Earl of Kelton, considered by many to be her perfect match, Gilbert decides to leave England at once and take up his army commission in Spain. But on the way out of Town, he discovers Lord Kelton has dark secrets that could destroy Miranda, and he must make a choice: stop the wedding or walk away.
Other characters from Secrets are here to add mayhem to the dilemma. Miranda’s sister Marianne thinks Kelton can do no wrong. her brother Phineas hates him because he knows Kelton is wrong for Miranda, but dares not interfere. Miranda’s grandfather simply wants to see his youngest grandchild married, without the scandals her siblings have caused him, so he can retire to a comfortable dotage at Carrington Castle.
click for an excerpt |
K: Tell us about the hero and heroine.
L: Miranda is unlike her outspoken sister. She truly wants to please her family and do her duty by marrying well, but she’s in love with a completely inappropriate man, a man who doesn’t dare propose.
Gilbert is a quiet, honorable man. Even though he’s head over heels in love with Miranda, he knows he can never hope to win her. It’s easier to leave England forever than see her marry someone else, someone far more appropriate for her than he is. When he discovers Kelton’s secrets and realizes that Miranda faces a lifetime of unhappiness, he finds the courage to take the bold steps necessary to win Miranda, and become the kind of hero every woman can all fall in love with.
K: If Hollywood came knocking on your door wanting to make your novella into a movie, who would you cast as your main characters?
L: I always find putting a face to my characters challenging. I found a very yummy picture of Henry Cavill, and he’s even in Regency costume. Perfect! (ah yes, Henry. He's the go-to man for quite a few authors)
And for the role of Miranda, I chose Rebecca Hall, a lovely classic English beauty.
K: What’s next for readers after All The Pleasures of The Season and The Price of Temptation?
L: I’m working on two more books for Avon. The first, How To Deceive A Duke, will be out in late 2012. It’s the story of a lady who takes her sister’s place in an arranged marriage to save her family from ruin. Little does she know that her new husband’s nickname, Devil, doesn’t just describe his reputation in the bedroom. With secrets of his own, and a mystery to solve, The formidable Duke of Temberlay doesn’t appreciate deception, and when he discovers his new wife has tricked him, she has the devil to pay. Watch my website and Facebook page for excerpts, quotes, and details.
Alpha or Beta? Alpha, but with underlying Beta characteristics
Virgin Widow or Secret Baby? Secret Baby. Or secrets of any kind!
Wallflower of Belle of the Ball? Wallflower—so much more potential!
Spinster or Debutante? Spinster
Titled Peer or Working man? Titled peer
Swashbuckling Pirate or Naval Officer? Naval officer with a pirate’s heart (ooo...I like that)
Christmas or New Years? Christmas
Gingerbread or Fruitcake?
Gingerbread! No, fruitcake! Actually, I’ve never met a holiday treat I didn’t like. When life gives you fruitcake, make fruitcake rum balls!
E-books or Bound books? Bound books, in stacks, shelf-fuls and libraries
Plotter or pantser? Plotter, but open to possibilities
Coffee or tea? Coffee (cream, no sugar)
Author's Choice.
Thank you so much for coming to visit me at Romancing Rakes today. I’ll be here to answer your questions throughout the day, and I’d love to chat with you! And, because it just wouldn’t be Christmas without surprises and gifts, I’m giving away a copy of ALL THE PLEASURESOF THE SEASON (e-format only). My charming host at Romancing Rakes will choose a lucky winner, and I will send the winner their copy this evening. So tell me, for your chance to win, if you were casting your dream hero in your very own romance, who would he be?
On the first day of Christmas:Lady Miranda Archer accepts a marriage proposal
On the first day of Christmas and 15 minutes:Miranda realizes she’s made a huge mistake.
For the next 12 days:Miranda must find a way out of her engagement, which is harder than it looks, especially when her
fiancé is pompous, mean, and desperate for her family’s jewels… and convince her true love that all she
wants for Christmas is him...
Where To Buy: Kindle | Nook | iBooks
Book Extras: Read an Excerpt | My Review

Well, you heard the lady! Lecia is giving away an e-book copy of her novella, All The Pleasures of the Season to one(1) lucky reader. Also, Lecia and HarperCollins are giving away a $25 Amazon.com gift card to one(1) lucky commenter from all of the stops at the blog tour.
Okay, here's how to get your hot little hands on the novella:
- Leave a comment answering Lecia's question: If you were casting your dream hero in your very own romance, who would he be?
- Leave your email address ninja style: yourname at gmail dot com
- Fill out the rafflecopter form. You must answer Lecia's question to be entered for the novella giveaway. All other entries are optional.
Here's how to get your hot little hands on the $25 Amazon gift card:
- Leave a comment for Lecia at any stop on her blog tour along with your email address:
December 20: Reading Romances
December 21: Seductive Musings
December 22: Romancing Rakes
December 22: REVIEW ONLY: Reviews by Molly
December 23: Among the Muses
Remember: The more you comment, the greater chance you have at winning that gift card. You also have multiple chances for winning the novella at each stop. So, away with you. Get to entering!
A huge thank you to Lecia for taking time to share her latest release here at Romancing Rakes and giving away an e-book copy of her novella. Thank you to Lecia and HarperCollins for providing the Amazon gift card. Also, thank you to Marianne at Goddess Fish Promotions for forwarding correspondence between Lecia and I.
a Rafflecopter giveaway