ALL THE PLEASURES OF THE SEASON by Lecia CornwallWhere To Find Lecia: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook | Blog
FORMAT: eBook via Netgalley
GENRE: Historical
PUBLISHER: Avon Impulse (December 20, 2011)
ISBN: 9780062121417
On the first day of Christmas:
Lady Miranda Archer accepts a marriage proposal.
On the first day of Christmas, fifteen minutes later:
Miranda realizes she’s made a huge mistake.
For the next twelve days:
Miranda must find a way out of her engagement—which is harder than it looks, especially since her fiancé is pompous, mean, and desperate for her family’s jewels—and convince her true love that all she wants for Christmas is him.
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Oh Lady Miranda Archer, what a dilemma: marry the golden boy of the ton (the Earl of Kelton) who seems perfect for her and make her grandfather and sister happy or try to make it work with the second son of a minor baron who she's had a tendre for quite some time.
5 Things I Loved, Liked or Wanted to Slap Silly:
- Lady Miranda Archer: She's made the biggest mistake of her life. At first she seemed like a total pushover, wanting to please her grandfather and her sister. Her grandfather because well, he's the Duke of Carrington and he means a lot to her. Her sister because she seems quite happy with her matchmaking skills and Miranda doesn't want to disappoint her. She's accepted the proposal of the Earl of Kelton (er, Anthony-- she keeps trying to think of him as thus but has to correct herself into using his Christian name) and upon seeing Gilbert Fielding, she realizes she might not be as happy with Kelton as with Fielding. Miranda wants to marry for love and Kelton is in no way lovable nor can she see herself falling in love with him. (liked)
- Gilbert Fielding: He's been in love with Miranda since first meeting her. Being the second son of a minor baron, he feels like he's overreaching if he tries to offer for her and he's afraid of the Duke of Carrington. Sure, he's willing to head into battle (he's got a commission lined up) but face the Duke? Are you crazy?? Seeing Miranda smiling after her betrothal to Kelton, he's heartbroken but knows that he would never have a chance with her. Determined to leave the country at the earliest opportunity possible, he goes to see the Earl of Westlake (Miranda's brother-in-law) to book passage. All he wants is Miranda's happiness, with or without him. How noble, now Fielding get your act together and get your woman! (loved)
- Lord Anthony Stanwood, Earl of Kelton: He's a totally shallow pompous ass who's in it for the dowry (isn't that always the case?). I wanted to slap, slap, slappity slap him. Hard. At first, I thought he would be okay but as the story progressed he began to show his true colors. Being the ton's golden boy, it's accepted that he can squander money, take mistresses and gamble like there's no tomorrow. He demands that Miranda be the perfect, silent, biddable wife and he will mold her to be one. Hello! I wanted to call him out. (slap silly)
- Marianne: Oh, where do I begin? Marianne is a terrible, horrible, no good matchmaker. Even with her sister protesting that Kelton might not be all that he's made himself out to be in the eyes of the ton, Marianne keeps pushing Miranda towards him. (slap silly)
- Adam and Phineas: Phineas knows that Kelton is all sorts of wrong for Miranda and tries to get Fielding to change Miranda's mind. All Fielding has to do is show up at the ball and dance with Miranda. Adam on the other hand thinks Phineas is a little paranoid. After all, Kelton does what any other man of the ton does when Phineas tries to reason with Adam. In the end, both want what's best for Miranda. (loved, liked and slap)
"The butterflies circled her stomach again, and it was not the pleasant flutter she felt in Gilbert's company, but the swoop of birds of prey, evil omens, the nauseating sensation of anxiety and dread. She had come to associate that sensation with Kelton since her betrothal." (***quote subject to change in finished copy***)OVERALL: Christmas is truly a time for miracles. Lecia Cornwall has woven a magical story of love, laughter, betrayal and an ending that will leave you sniffling (in a good way) and sighing. After much deliberation, a pounding from Miranda's brother Phineas, a little push from Westlake and some lapel grabbing and a talking to by Marianne sets Fielding's intentions into motion. After Miranda realizes that Kelton is shallow, conniving and a total jerkwad, I kept wondering when the poor girl would realize that either she tell her grandfather she's calling the wedding off or take matters into her own hands and propose to Fielding herself. Definitely a sweet holiday romance that you don't want to miss.
***review copy via Netgalley***