Meet Lavinia:
Scandalous Digital Novellas |
Growing up in New York state and Wisconsin, Lavinia graduated from Wellesley College and, for reasons that are still not quite clear, also holds an MBA from Washington, D.C.’s Georgetown University. Lavinia has remained in Washington ever since.
As the mother of three, Lavinia finds “leisure time” to be ever-elusive, but when she is not reading romance novels, she watches far too much HBO and reality television.
Where To Find Lavinia: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook

Kati: Who is Lavinia during the holidays? (author, gift giver, last minute shopper, baker)
click for an excerpt |
K: Why did you choose A WALLFLOWER CHRISTMAS to giveaway?
L: I loved the Wallflower series and am always a sucker for reunion stories. I could read whole books of catching up with the heroes and heroines of past books.
K: Do you write more or less during the holidays?
L: Mostly less – unless I have a deadline. If I have a deadline, I actually find it a great time to write, BUT I’d much rather read. I almost got through my TBR pile last year over the holidays.
K: If you’ve written a holiday themed/titled book, what is it about? If you have not, would you write a holiday themed/titled book in the future?
click for an excerpt |
K: Which of your heroes would you go on a sleigh ride with? (with permission from the heroine of course)
L: I’d have to go with the hero of my latest book, What a Duke Wants. Mark Smythe, the Duke of Strattington. How could anybody refuse a six-foot tall duke who always seems to have the perfect answer?
K: What is your favorite Christmas story, book or movie? (Mine is White Christmas)
L: I love It’s a Wonderful Life. It never seems like Christmas without it. It makes me smile to even think about it, but then just about any thing with Jimmy Stewart makes me smile.
K: Real tree or fake tree?
L: Real -- all the way.
K: Specific gifts or gift cards?
L: Specific gifts, definitely. I hate gift cards. I don’t have faith they really get used. I’d actually rather give cash.
K: Fruit cake or gingerbread?
L: I am all about the mincemeat pie. Yum.
K: Just enough decorations or “every tree lighted, blow up snowglobe, snow man in the yard” decorations?
click for an excerpt |
K: Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
L: I love the quietness of Christmas Eve, but there is nothing like waking up to stockings and a large breakfast before gathering around the tree.
K: Gifts under the tree throughout the month or Santa delivering all on Christmas Eve?
L: I always loved having gifts under the tree all month long when I was a child. It added to the sense of anticipation. For a few years when I was a teenager we had a beagle who would open the presents for us and we were forced to wait until Christmas morning to put them out. It just wasn’t the same.
K: Author’s choice.
L: Do you like books as presents or would you rather choose your own?
Thanks for participating in the Joyathon!
The Wallflowers are four young ladies in London who banded together in their wild and wickedly wonderful searches for true love. Now happily married, they join together once again to help one of the world’s most notorious rogues realize that happiness might be right under the mistletoe.…Where To Buy: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Nook | Book Depository
It’s Christmastime in London and Rafe Bowman has arrived from America for his arranged meeting with Natalie Blandford, the very proper and beautiful daughter of Lady and Lord Blandford. His chiseled good looks and imposing physique are sure to impress the lady in waiting and, if it weren’t for his shocking American ways and wild reputation, her hand would already be guaranteed. Before the courtship can begin, Rafe realizes he must learn the rules of London society. But when four former Wallflowers try their hand at matchmaking, no one knows what will happen. And winning a bride turns out to be more complicated than Rafe Bowman anticipated, especially for a man accustomed to getting anything he wants. However, Christmas works in the most unexpected ways, changing a cynic to a romantic and inspiring passion in the most timid of hearts.
Book Extras: Read an Excerpt

Lavinia is giving away a copy of A WALLFLOWER CHRISTMAS by Lisa Kleypas to one(1) lucky reader. Here's how to enter:
- Leave a comment answering Lavinia's question along with your email addy, ninja style: yourname at gmail dot com.
- Fill out the rafflecopter form below. You must answer Lavinia's question. All other entries are optional.
A huge thank you to Lavinia for participating in the Joyathon and for giving away a copy of A WALLFLOWER CHRISTMAS.