Meet Caridad:
Caridad Piñeiro® is a multi-published and award-winning author whose love of the written word developed when her fifth grade teacher assigned a project – to write a book that would be placed in a class lending library. She has been hooked on writing ever since.
coming 2012 |
When not writing, Caridad teaches workshops on various topics related to writing and heads a writing group. Caridad is also an attorney, wife and mother.
Caridad was born in Havana, Cuba, and settled in the New York Metropolitan area. She attended Villanova University on a Presidential Scholarship and graduated magna cum laude. Caridad earned her juris doctor from St. John’s University and became the first female partner of Abelman, Frayne & Schwab, an intellectual property firm in midtown Manhattan.
Where To Find Caridad: Twitter | Facebook | Author Site | Blog

Kati: Who is Caridad during the holidays? (author, gift giver, last minute shopper, baker)
click for an excerpt |
K: What is your favorite thing about the holidays?
C: My favorite thing is definitely getting together with family and friends to celebrate and share good times.
K: Do you write more or less during the holidays?
C: I actually write more during the holidays since I always take a few days off and spend some extra time writing. I actually wrote DARKNESS CALLS during one holiday break since the book was so alive in my mind.
K: If you’ve written a holiday themed/titled book, what is it about? If you have not, would you write a holiday themed/titled book in the future?
click for an excerpt |
K: Which of your heroes would you go on a sleigh ride with? (with permission from the heroine of course)
C: OMG, that is such a tough choice. I would have to say either Ryder from THE CALLING vampire series or Adam from my August 2011 release, THE LOST.
K: What is your favorite Christmas story, book or movie? (Mine is White Christmas)
C: My favorite Christmas movie is A MUPPETS CHRISTMAS CAROL! I soooo love it.
K: Real tree or fake tree?
C: Real! We go chop it down every year.
click for an excerpt |
K: Specific gifts or gift cards?
C: Specific gifts with a little extra in a gift card. I want people to know they are special to me by taking the time to find just the right gift for them.
K: Fruit cake or gingerbread?
C: LOVE Fruit cake. I’m the only one in my family that does. (you're not alone among your fellow authors in loving fruit cake)
K: Just enough decorations or “every tree lighted, blow up snowglobe, snow man in the yard” decorations?
C: Every tree lighted, blow up yard decorations, nutcrackers and garland all over the house. I just love getting into the Christmas spirit.
sweethomepanel.net |
C: Definitely home. I love being there with family and friends.
K: Gifts under the tree throughout the month or Santa delivering all on Christmas Eve?
C: We have gifts under the tree for family and friends and my daughter, but then Santa brings the rest of the gifts for my daughter, hubby and me.
K: Author’s choice.
C: It’s hard to pick the best gift I ever got because hubby is pretty good about surprising me with something great. What was the best/most surprising holiday gift you ever received?
Thank you for participating in the Joyathon Caridad!
'TIS THE SEASON TO TAKE A WALK ON THE DARK SIDE...Silhouette Nocturne is proud to present these two sensual, heartwarming tales of love during the holiday season. True, the heroes may not wear red suits or be very jolly. But tall, dark and handsome, with the unusual power to thrill, can sometimes be the best gift of all.Where To Buy: Amazon | Kindle | B&N/Nook
In Christmas Cravings by Maureen Child, a vampire finds himself in need of a miracle, and discovers it on the doorstep of his childhood home in the form of Theresa Franklin. Most women dream of being swept off their feet by a man--not whisked away by a devastatingly handsome vampire. But for Connie Morales in Fate Calls by Caridad Pineiro, Hadrian's tempting kisses make her long to deliver the gift of life to a man who thinks he has no soul...
Book Extras: Read an Excerpt by Caridad Pineiro

Caridad is giving away a copy of HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE anthology to one(1) lucky reader. Here's how to get your hands on some tall, dark and fanged hotties:
- Leave a comment answering Caridad's question along with your email addy, ninja style: yourname at gmail dot com.
- Fill out the rafflecopter form below. You must answer Caridad's question. All other entries are optional. I do recommend following on Facebook. She's always got some fabulous giveaways and interviews.
A huge thank you to Caridad for participating in the Joyathon and for giving away a copy of HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE anthology.