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What I Am Looking Forward to Most in the Next Year
Christmas is truly my favorite time of the year. I think I even enjoy it more now that I’m an adult than I did when I was a child. It used to bother me that stores would put up Christmas decorations before Halloween, but it doesn’t annoy me anymore. Now, I’m the person in our family who starts singing Christmas songs as soon as the first cold front hits (sometime in September or October). Or at least, I try to start singing—my husband usually pulls out his “we have to wait until Thanksgiving is over” card. ;)
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On the personal front, my daughters will be turning 2 and 3, respectively. Since June of 2009, it seems that someone little has always been screaming in our house. With toddlers aged 2 and 3, I’m really looking forward to their increasing communication skills where they’re able to tell us what they want without exploring the full range and depth of their lungs’ capabilities. ;) Their mobility is improving, too, which means that we have plans to go hiking in the foothills of Colorado again—something we haven’t done since the oldest was born. Almost every day I do look at my daughters and lament how fast time has flown by, but watching them grow up and seeing how their personalities develop—and being able to establish deeper relationships with them as a parent—is so amazing. My oldest has her own toy laptop now because Mama has a laptop, and whenever I tell her about Mama’s books, she goes and gets her books to read. I can’t wait to see if one day she’ll start to write her own stories, too. =)
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On the professional front, I have big plans for 2012. My third book, MY LADY RIVAL, will be coming out from NAL Penguin in May 2012. But I’m also planning on publishing several other novellas and books throughout the year. Some of these will be Victorian, but I’m also working on developing a new 1920s series which I’m really excited about. I was so fortunate to become a published author in 2010, and the realization that I’m able to expand upon that dream now by venturing into other time periods and places is truly a wonderful thing.
Those are the two big things I’m looking forward to in 2012, but I can’t end this blog post without looking back at what has made 2011 such a great year. And, without a doubt, one of the first things that comes to mind is how much I’ve enjoyed being a part of the romance community. I’ve developed relationships with readers, reviewers, book bloggers, aspiring writers, fellow authors, and other industry professionals, and my life has been very much enriched as a result. There aren’t many communities that can continue to exist, year after year, let alone grow larger over time. There aren’t many communities where the vast majority of members are as nice, generous, and warm-hearted. But we belong to that community—the romance community—and I’m so thankful to be part of it with you.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or another holiday or none at all, I wish you joy, peace, and a year full of amazing romance novels in 2012. :)
What about you, dear readers? What are you most looking forward to in the next year? What made 2011 such a great year for you, too?
Thank you Ashley! I am looking forward to MY LADY RIVAL as well as your self-pub adventures. :)
The Wallflowers are four young ladies in London who banded together in their wild and wickedly wonderful searches for true love. Now happily married, they join together once again to help one of the world’s most notorious rogues realize that happiness might be right under the mistletoe.…Where To Buy: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Nook | Book Depository
It’s Christmastime in London and Rafe Bowman has arrived from America for his arranged meeting with Natalie Blandford, the very proper and beautiful daughter of Lady and Lord Blandford. His chiseled good looks and imposing physique are sure to impress the lady in waiting and, if it weren’t for his shocking American ways and wild reputation, her hand would already be guaranteed. Before the courtship can begin, Rafe realizes he must learn the rules of London society. But when four former Wallflowers try their hand at matchmaking, no one knows what will happen. And winning a bride turns out to be more complicated than Rafe Bowman anticipated, especially for a man accustomed to getting anything he wants. However, Christmas works in the most unexpected ways, changing a cynic to a romantic and inspiring passion in the most timid of hearts.
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Ashley is giving away a copy of A WALLFLOWER CHRISTMAS to one(1) lucky reader. Here's how to enter:
- Leave a comment answering Ashley's question along with your email addy, ninja style: yourname at gmail dot com.
- Fill out the rafflecopter form below. You must answer Ashley's question. All other entries are optional. I do recommend on following Ashley on Facebook. You don't want to miss the 2nd year of her EPIC March Madness Party (pfft, none of that basketball nonsense).
A huge thank you to Ashley for participating in the Joyathon and for giving away a copy of A WALLFLOWER CHRISTMAS.