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coming 2012 |
When she’s not writing, Vicky enjoys reading, films, concerts, and most of all, long lunches with friends. A native Texan, she holds degrees in English literature and marketing.
Where To Find Vicky: Author Site | Twitter | Facebook

Kati: Who is Vicky during the holidays? (author, gift giver, last minute shopper, baker)
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K: What is your favorite thing about the holidays?
V: Playing Guitar Hero after the food is consumed. I belt out a mean Livin’ on a Prayer. ;-)
K: Do you write more or less during the holidays?
V: Last year, I was working on revisions during the holidays. This year, I will put together a new proposal. I just finished book 3 in my fan-named “How To’ trilogy. HOW TO RAVISH A RAKE publishes on April 1, 2012.
K: If you’ve written a holiday themed/titled book, what is it about? If you have not, would you write a holiday themed/titled book in the future?
V: I would totally love to do a Regency version of Christmas Vacation! Granted, I’d have to forego the Xmas lights, but I could totally do one w/all those relatives and pets. (LOL. I would love to read that.)
K: Which of your heroes would you go on a sleigh ride with? (with permission from the heroine of course)
V: Will, ‘the Devil,’ Darcett. I like bad boys. ;-) (Oh that Will. *giggle*)
K: What is your favorite Christmas story, book or movie? (Mine is White Christmas)
V: Christmas Vacation. That movie is hilarious.
K: Real tree or fake tree?
V: Fake – I have allergies.
K: Specific gifts or gift cards?
V: Depends on the person. I’ve given Sephora and Cold Water Creek gift cards to my editor and agent. I also give books and movies to my kids.
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K: Fruit cake or gingerbread?
V: Gingerbread.
K: Home for the holidays or visiting relatives?
V: All of my relatives are fairly close to home, so no long flights for me.
K: Snow or Texas slush (aka sleet)?
V: Well, I live in Texas. One Xmas it was hot and we were wearing shorts. My mother turned on the A/C so she could have a fire LOL. (I remember those Texas winters. Sometimes you experience all 4 seasons in the space of 2 days.)
K: What are you looking forward to in the new year?
V: A brand new set of characters. Only one will be from my ‘How To’ trilogy. Also, I’m looking forward to attending Romantic Times in Chicago and the RWA National Conference in Anaheim. (maybe I'll see you at RWA!)
K: Author’s choice.
V: What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Thanks Vicky for stopping by!
Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions—especially when a couple seems as well matched as Randolph Pierce, Earl of Falloden, and his bride-to-be, Eleanor Transome. Ellie brings to the marriage a vast dowry, while Falloden, though distant, is handsome, tremendously desirable, and possessed of a title most young ladies can only dream of sharing.
Yet Ellie is not most young ladies. She knows that she must honor her dear father’s dying wish for her to wed the proud earl, but she dreads a lifetime in a union without love—and how can Falloden claim to love her when he married her only for her fortune? As Christmas descends upon the Falloden manor, the warmth of the season may yet melt away the trappings of duty and wealth, leaving behind only a man and a woman destined for each other’s arms.
Where To Buy: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Nook | Book Depository
Book Extras: Read an Excerpt

Vicky is giving away a copy of A CHRISTMAS PROMISE by Mary Balogh to one(1) lucky reader. Here's how to enter:
- Leave a comment answering Vicky's question along with your email addy, ninja style: yourname at gmail dot com
- Fill out the rafflecopter form. You must answer Vicky's question, all other entries are optional.
A huge thank you to Vicky for participating in the Joyathon and for giving away a copy of A CHRISTMAS PROMISE.